Gifts may be given in many forms. It all depends on which is best suited to the goals and assets of your clients.


Cash is easy, direct, and fully tax-deductible as allowed by law. Gifts may be made by check.

Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds.

These tools enable your clients to avoid the tax on any appreciation, yet still receive a tax deduction for the full market value. The Foundation, as a tax-exempt charity, may sell the securities and avoid taxes on the appreciation.

Real Estate.

Land or a building can be given in a number of ways and allow your clients to avoid taxes on the appreciation. The donor must obtain a qualified appraisal to establish the gift value.

Personal Property.

Personal property such as automobiles, art work, jewelry, valuable collectibles, antiques and more can be donated to give your clients a charitable tax deduction for the full fair market value.


Whether through your clients’ will or a living trust, they can specify a dollar amount, property or a percentage of their estate go to charitable causes. Harper County Community Foundation must be named as the charitable beneficiary. A signed Donor-Advised Memorandum is required to name the charities and endowment funds that will benefit from your clients’ bequest.

Life Insurance.

Life insurance is an affordable way to give a significant amount. Your clients may make the Foundation the beneficiary of an existing policy or a new policy they may choose to purchase. A variety of options are available, all of which provide tax advantages and allow your clients to leverage their dollars for maximum impact.


Please note all non-monetary gifts are subject to approval and acceptance by the Foundation.