The Prepare To Launch Squad is responsible for carrying out the mission of our Prepare To Launch Program. This mission calls for providing money to further the education of Harper County residents and students. In collaboration with the T2C Program and Harper County Economic/Community Development, monies will be allocated for graduating high school students to further their education. In order to grow the amount of money available each year, the Prepare To Launch Squad assists in the management of funds as well as additional business opportunities that may arise. This group works with the Foundation to increase philanthropic, educational, business and community development projects in Harper County. As this is ultimately a business venture for the Foundation, we’re looking for all different types of interests and talents so we encourage everyone to apply. The PTL Squad is composed of 4 freshman, 4 sophomores, 4 juniors and 4 seniors. The application process is open to Attica and Chaparral students in 8-11th grades.