

The Harper County Community Foundation recently recognized the grant recipients for the October 2016 round at an Awards Presentation held in conjunction with their End of the Year Gala. The event was held at 6 p.m., on Tuesday, November 1st, in the Westview Apartments’ Community Room in Harper. HCCF apologizes for the last-minute time change for this event, but there was an important football game to Harper County residents starting at 7 p.m. at home that same evening.

These monies from the Waste Connection Landfill Revenues and the Harper County Board of Commissioners represent the sixteenth round of grants awarded. The Foundation also awarded monies from their discretionary funds. For this grant round, 38 grant applications were submitted to HCCF with a total of $233,499 requested. The Foundation awarded $116,750 to 31 organizations and projects that benefit Harper County.

Recipients of the October 2016 grant monies are Harper County Transition to Career Program; Little Lions Preschool for Educational Resources; The Arts Center School Art Education Program; Harper Recreation Commission for Fall Complex Maintenance Equipment; City of Attica Drug Awareness Program, Local Pride Project, City Recycling and Street Light Replacement; Harper Elementary School Media Center Upgrade; Attica Public Schools for the Accelerated Reader Incentive Program, Educational Field Trips and Playground Basketball Goals; Anthony Elementary FOCUS for Educational Field Trips; Attica Pioneer Park Renovations; Harper United Methodist Church’s Kmotion Program; Harper County Sheriff‘s Department for Bullet Proof Vests; Anthony Chamber of Commerce for the Sunflower Balloon Fest; Chaparral High School for Redesigning the School Environment Seating Options Project, Wrestling Mats, and FBLA Hardware and Software Purchase; Attica Recreation for Baseball Field Renovations; Attica Long Term Care for Fan Control Switches for Heating/AC Units; Anthony Elementary’s Mobile Learning  Environment, Fifth Grade Global Collaboration Project, Special Education Sensory Needs along with PE Archery Equipment; Anthony Gun Club Pull! For Our Youth; Hospital District #5’s Safety for Patients & Staff Project; Harper County Community HOPE; Harper Mission Mart and City of Harper Historical Society Museum Foundation Repair.

HCCF’s Mission is focused on education, human needs, health care, community improvement or rural development that will enrich the communities of Harper County through support and resources. The deadline for the next grant round will be May 1, 2017.

More information about HCCF may be found on their website at In addition, any questions may be directed to Michelle Fahring, Assistant to the Foundation, by calling 620-840-1153 (cell phone), or by sending an e-mail to



Photo identification


Front Row left to right:

RoseAnn Teel, Anthony Elementary School; Hannah Alldritt, Harper Elementary School; Britt Hedlund, Harper County Transition to Career; Mary Helen Baker, Harper City Historical Society; Rhonda Haydock and Kasha Moritz, Harper United Methodist Church; Kaitlin Tatro, Attica Public Schools; Loretta Kerschen and Sandra Owen, Harper Hospital District #5 and Lloyd Parker, Harper Mission Mart.


Back Row left to right:

Adam Markel, Chaparral FBLA; Jeff Green, Chaparral Wrestling; Alan Allenbach, City of Attica; Cheryl Adelhardt and Mickey Bowen, Harper City Historical Society; Lisa Newsum, Attica Public Schools; Tracy Chance and Tom Burns, Harper County Sheriff’s Department; Debbie Pyle, Attica Hospital District #1; Angie Alexander, Attica Recreation Commission; Rachel Oliver, Stephanie Grippin, Jenni Conrady and Misti Kuhn, Anthony Elementary School; Sid Burkholder, Anthony Gun Club, Don Evans, Harper County Community HOPE and Kevin Alexander, HCCF Chairperson.