The Harper County Community Foundation recently recognized the grant recipients for the May 2016 round at an Awards Presentation held in conjunction with their Annual Meeting and first ever Family Grant Party. The event was held at 7 p.m., on Tuesday, May 24th at the Anthony Christian Church Gym in Anthony.
These monies from the Waste Connection Landfill Revenues and the Harper County Board of Commissioners represent the fifteenth round of grants awarded. The Foundation also awarded monies from their discretionary funds. For this grant round, 35 grant applications were submitted to HCCF with a total of $205,662.50 requested. The Foundation awarded $110,000 to 28 projects that benefit Harper County.
Recipients of the May 2016 grant monies are City of Attica, Anthony 9-11 Memorial, Harper Area Health Foundation, Harper Ministerial Alliance, Attica Summer Recreation, Operation Decorate Downtown Harper Park, VFW Post 1449 in Harper, Attica Public Schools, Harper County Community HOPE, Chaparral Key Club & TSA, Attica Wellness Center, St. Patrick’s Church, Anthony Christian Church, Main Street Ministry, Harper County Bullseye BBQ, Harper Recreation Commission, Attica Pioneer Park Renovation, Anthony Elementary School, Anthony Medical Center, Moffett Hilltopper 4-H Club, Harper Hospital District #5, Chaparral Horticulture/Science Departments and Attica Hospital District #1.
The evening also included recognition of two outgoing Board members. Don Jensen served Anthony Community Foundation, which later became Harper County Community Foundation, for the last 20 years. The Foundation has grown from $0 to $3 million over the course of Don’s tenure. He assisted the Board in various ways over the years including his most recent roles of both Treasurer and Finance Team member. Suzanne Clark will serve for HCCF in Don’s place.
Kerry Schroeder’s tenure on the Board began in 2010. Six years later, Kerry is ending his service as Vice-Chairperson. Cathy Spicer is filling’s Kerry’s vacant position on the Board.
HCCF took time to express their appreciation for Don and Kerry’s service in addition to officially welcoming Cathy and Suzanne.
The 2016 slate of Board of Directors of the Foundation include Kevin Alexander, Alan Allenbach, Linda Biles, Megan McDaniel, Tom Conrady, Jerry Turner, Roy Davis, Angie Higgs, Tim Penner, Emily Schlickau, Cathy Spicer and Suzanne Clark. The annual meeting also reported the foundation had right at $3 million in assets under management as of April 30, 2016.
HCCF’s Mission is focused on education, human needs, health care, community improvement or rural development that will enrich the communities of Harper County through support and resources. The deadline for the next grant round will be October 1, 2016.
More information about HCCF may be found on their website at In addition, any questions may be directed to Michelle Fahring, Assistant to the Foundation, by calling 620-840-1153 (cell phone), or by sending an e-mail to
Photo Identification
Front Row left to right:
Allison Grumbein, Anthony Elementary; Shea Lounsbury and Laurie Fox, Anthony Medical Center; Kamber Mathews, Main Street Ministry; Lena Schlickau, Lettie McIntire & Harry Schlickau, Moffitt Hilltopper 4-H; Loretta Kerschen, Harper Hospital District/Harper Area Health Foundation & St. Patrick’s Church; Regena Hommertzheim, Attica Pioneer Park; Lisa Newsum, Attica Public Schools; Cheri Ricke, Attica Wellness Center and Attica Summer Recreation and Erin Bundy, Anthony Elementary.
Back Row left to right:
Kevin Alexander, Chairperson; Ron Eden, Anthony Christian Church; Eddie Barber, Harper Ministerial Alliance, Kimberly Schrant, Harper County Bullseye BBQ; Don Evans and Karen Aldis, Harper County Community HOPE; Paul Saliger, VFW Post 11449; Mike Reed, Anthony Elementary School; Brady McIntire, Moffitt Hilltopper 4-H; Austin Smith; Josh Inslee, Chaparral Horticulture & Science Departments & Harper Recreation Commission; Ethan McIntire, Moffitt Hilltopper 4-H; Josh Patterson and Bob Hottman, Chaparral TSA & Key Club; Shalyn Ballard and Holly Noble, Attica Hospital District #1.