The Harper County Community Foundation recently recognized the grant recipients for the May 2014 round at an Awards Presentation held in conjunction with their Annual Meeting. The event was held at 7 p.m., on Thursday, May 29th, in the Westview Apartments’ Community Room in Harper.
These monies from the Waste Connection Landfill Revenues and the Harper County Board of Commissioners represent the eleventh round of grants awarded. The Foundation also awarded monies from their discretionary funds. For this grant round, 31 grant applications were submitted to HCCF with a total of $184,081 requested. The Foundation awarded $121,660 to 24 organizations and projects that benefit Harper County.
Recipients of the May 2014 grant monies are USD 511 for Physical Education Equipment, City of Harper Historical Society for Runnymede Church Upright Digital Piano Purchase, Country Living for Replacement of Dining Room Tables, Harper Ministerial Alliance for the 2014 Summer Food Program, Anthony United Methodist Church for Preschool Safety Glass Windows, FOCUS for Learning Beyond the Classroom Field Trips, USD 511 for Educational Field Trips and their Accelerated Reader Incentives Program, USD 361 for a Preparedness Program: First Aid, CPR and AED, Little Lions Preschool Start-Up Equipment, USD 361 for Hearing Equipment, Attica Saddle Club for the Bleacher Replacement Project, Harper Recreation Commission for Aluminum Bleacher Upgrades, Harper County Bullseye BBQ, Attica Long Term Care for AED Defibrillator/AED Trainer and Dietary Department Equipment Replacement, USD 361 for Chaparral Fitness & Rehab Facilities, City of Attica for Pool Renovations, Park Maintenance and Main Street Beautification, Pleasant Valley Preschool and Attica Public Schools for Playground Equipment, Anthony Medical Center for their Pumping Technology into a Better Future Project and Harper Hospital District #5 for their East Campus Heating and Cooling System Upgrade.
This grant round is part of the annual commitment of nearly $200,000 by the Harper County Board of Commissioners to benefit Harper County citizens and organizations from the landfill revenue funds. The Foundation was selected as the organization to receive, review and evaluate applications for projects based on these fields of support since May of 2009. Past grant recipients can be viewed on the Foundation’s website at
HCCF’s Mission is focused on education, human needs, health care, community improvement or rural development that will enrich the community’s of Harper County through support and resources. The deadline for the next grant round will be October 1, 2014.
More information about HCCF may be found on their website at In addition, any questions may be directed to Michelle Fahring, Assistant to the Foundation, by calling 620-840-1153 (cell phone), or by sending an e-mail to
Photo Identification
Front Row L to R: Lisa Newsum, USD 511; Ashley Hostetler, Pleasant Valley Preschool; Lisa Mathes, USD 361; Melinda Goertz, Anthony Elementary School FOCUS; Holly Noble, Attica Long Term Care; Loretta Kerschen, Harper Hospital District #5; Dana Davidson and Mary Helen Baker, City of Harper Historical Society.
Back Row L to R: Craig Winters, USD 511; Justin Burke, USD 361; Tuanua Swartz, Anthony Elementary School FOCUS; LeRoy Matthews, American Legion Post 104; Sheryl Grigsby, USD 511; Carl Woods, American Legion Post 298; Lynda Gregory, Harper County Bullseye BBQ; Curt Clark, Anthony United Methodist Church; Amy Walker, Little Lions Preschool; Shea Lounsbury, Anthony Medical Center and Johnny O’Connor, City of Attica.