The Harper County Community Foundation recently recognized the grant recipients for the October 2021 round at an Awards Presentation held in conjunction with their End of Year Gala and 25th Birthday Party. The event was held at 7 p.m., on Thursday, November 4th at the Municipal Hall in Attica.

The Harper County Community Foundation is marking its 25th year in existence. Founded March 18, 1996 as the Anthony Community Foundation, and later became the Harper County Community Foundation on March 19, 2007.

For this grant round, 40 grant applications were submitted to HCCF with a total of $323,139.52 requested. The Harper County Community Foundation awarded $152,486.00 to 38 organizations and projects that benefit Harper County. These monies from the Waste Connection Landfill Revenues and the Harper County Board of Commissioners represent the 26th round of grants awarded since the inception of the granting program in May of 2009. The Foundation also awarded monies from their discretionary funds. A total of $2,789,572.00 has been awarded since the inception of this granting process to fund over 650 projects in Harper County.

The Foundation would like to thank Donald Holt for serving as the event photographer and The Arts Center for providing entertainment for the children in attendance. More thanks go to Prepare To Launch Squad members Dalton Blair, Gillian Struble, Kendra Nelson, Taryn Meek, Mya Deviney, Sydney Swingle and Bailee Ricke for their support and service at the Gala.

Recipients of the October 2021 grant monies include Harper County Transition to Career for T2C Teacher Internship and Welding Program Supplies; The Arts Center, Inc. for Exterior Painting; Anthony & Harper Elementary Libraries for New Book Purchases; Attica Public Schools for Bulldog Pride, Elementary Accelerated Reader Reward Program, 2nd Grade In-Classroom Library, Science Department Improvements, Equipping Teachers to Educate Students (Technology Upgrades), Elementary Educational Field Trips, and Industrial Tech Construction/Design Remodel of Building Windows Project; City of Attica for a London High-output Fogger; Harper County K-State Research & Extension for their Harper County Agri-Tourism Program; Main Street Ministry for the Celebration Room & Common Grounds Improvements; Helping Hands for Christmas Lights in the City of Harper Downtown Park; Anthony Christian Church for their Community Youth Group Meals; Chaparral for FFA Fill the Showbox and Choral Department Ukuleles in School; Anthony Elementary for Playground Equipment, HES Author Visit, AES Ukuleles, and 2nd Grade Science Supplies; Harper Mission Mart; USD 361 District Nurse to Replace AEDs; Harper Recreation Commission for the HRC Complex FEMA Shelter; Revolution Fellowship for their Community Christmas Store Program; Anthony Gun Club’s Shells Purchase for Trapshooting Team; Anthony Kiwanis Kupboard; PEEPS Foundation, Inc. for Harper West Main Park/Arena Renovation & Events; Harper County Tourism & Preservation Alliance for the Anharp, Kansas Historical Roadside Marker; American Legion Jeff Long Post 104 for their ADA Street Approach to Walk Ramp project; Pleasant Hill Cemetery for Tree Trimming; FOCUS at Anthony Elementary for Learning Through Adventures – Educational Field Trips; Harper County Core Community; Attica Hospital District #1 for Patient Care Enhancement – Jacuzzi Tub; Harper Public Library for Tables & Chairs for New Classroom; Attica Wellness Center for Equipment; and Harper County Community HOPE.

HCCF’s Mission is focused on education, human needs, health care, community improvement or rural development projects that will enrich the communities of Harper County through support and resources. The deadline for the next grant round will be May 1, 2022.

More information about HCCF may be found on their website at In addition, any questions may be directed to Michelle Fahring, Assistant to the Foundation, by calling 620-840-1153 (cell phone), or by sending an e-mail to



Photo identification // Front Row left to right:


Dalen Blair, Chaparral FFA; Cindy Brown, Attica Wellness Center; Lori Ryan, City of Attica; Devan Ball, Harper County Core Community; Kiley Davis, Revolution Fellowship; Pam Gerber, USD 361 AEDs; Katie Carothers, Harper County Core Community; Allison Grumbein & Kristen Bellesine, Anthony Elementary; Debra Olds, Harper Public Library; Teresa Hays, Anthony Kiwanis; Dollie Mathes, Sunflower RC&D/Harper County Tourism Preservation & Alliance & Helping Hands; Mildred Metzger, Anthony Christian Church; and Mesa + Robin Ybarra, Attica USD 511 Science Department.


Second Row left to right:

Jordan Baker, Jaden Zimmerman & Brenson Marsh, Chaparral FFA; Jason Fahring, Attica USD 511 Industrial Tech; Lisa Newsum, Attica Elementary; Sunny Reed, Anthony Elementary; Bryan Hilgemann, Main Street Ministry; Erin Bundy, Anthony Elementary Music; Jennifer Carr, Harper County K-State Research & Extension; Bea Davis, Ron Shrader & Roy Reida, American Legion Jeff Long Post 104; Sid Burkholder & Gillian Struble, CHS Trapshooting; Mike Alldritt, Harper Mission Mart; Bailey Jo + Britt Hedlund, Harper County Transition to Career; Alia Lingle, FOCUS at Anthony Elementary; Mike Sanders, USD 511; Hannah Alldritt, Harper Elementary Library; and Kevin Alexander, HCCF Executive Director.