The Harper County Community Foundation will offer the second round of grants for 2012 from the Waste Connection Landfill Revenues and the Harper County Board of Commissioners. The grant deadline is October 1, 2012. Approximately $95,000 will be available for this round of grants designated for projects that benefit Harper County.

Having ended the previous three-year commitment with the Harper County Board of Commissioners, this grant round is the second allocation of an annual commitment of nearly $200,000 to benefit Harper County citizens and organizations from the landfill revenue funds.

With the May 2012 grant round, the Foundation awarded $97,537 to 19 organizations and projects.  Recipients were USD 361 for Crisis Preparation Building Kits, Operate Decorate Downtown for the Christmas Display in Harper Downtown Park, Harper Ministerial Alliance for the Summer Lunch Program, Anthony Gun Club for Facility Improvements, Chaparral High School for Academic Awards and Incentives, Boy Scout Troop #855 for an Equipment Trailer, USD 511 for their Accelerated Reader Reward Program, Harper Recreation Commission for the Harper Ball Park Dugout Renovation, Chaparral High School for Graphing Calculators for the Math Department, Anthony Recreation for Playground Equipment for the Softball Fields, Chaparral High School for a 42” Vinyl Cutter for the Art Department, City of Harper Historical Society Heating/Air Conditioning Project for Runnymede Church, Anthony Medical Center for Equipment for the Non-Surgical Intervention of Patients with Spinal and Pelvic Injuries, Blessed Beginnings for furniture and supplies in their new location, Harper Hospital for a Radiology DEXA Scanner, Harper County Fair Board for the Blue Fair Barn Roof Replacement, and Attica Hospital for their Chiller Replacement.

“It has been a privilege for the Foundation to be a part of distributing these funds to such a wide variety of organizations and their projects over the course of the last three and a half years,” said Dollie Mathes, Chairperson of the Harper County Community Foundation. “It is also worth noting the impact on our communities through the in-county purchases of a variety of goods and services or through jobs retained as part of these grant awards.”

HCCF’s Mission is focused on education, human needs, health care, community improvement or rural development. The Foundation was selected as the organization to receive, review and evaluate applications for projects based on these fields of support.

Grant applicants may seek full funding, partial funding or matching funding for projects that meet these areas of focus as well as the grant application deadline and criteria. All applicants must be not-for-profit organizations or associations. No funds will be awarded to individuals. The Foundation will accept applications postmarked by October 1, 2012.  Following the evaluation of each application, awards will be announced by the Foundation within 45 days of deadlines.
Part of the criteria for all grants awarded in 2012 is to complete a final report within one year of those grants awarded on October 1, 2011.  In addition, a progress report is due for those awarded during the May 1, 2012 grant round.  Final Reports of completed projects and Progress Reports are required before any additional funds will be considered.

Please note that a 2012 revised application for this grant round is available on-line under “Programs” at In addition, forms and guidelines may be obtained by written request directed to the Harper County Community Foundation, P.O. Box 5, Anthony, Kansas 67003, by calling Michelle Fahring, Assistant to the Foundation, at 620-840-1153 (cell phone), or by sending an e-mail to