The Harper County Community Foundation will be offering the second round of grants for 2019. The grant deadline is October 1, 2019 and over $100,000 will be available for projects that benefit Harper County.
This grant round represents the 22nd round of grants awarded since May of 2009. A total of $2,130,967.00 has been awarded since the inception of this granting process.
HCCF’s Mission is to promote community development by supporting educational, human needs, health care, community improvement and rural development projects throughout Harper County.
The HCCF Board of Directors would like to invite the grant round recipients to an Awards Presentation held in conjunction with their End of the Year Gala. This event will take place on Monday, November 4th at 7 p.m. at the Westview Apartments’ Community Room in Harper. The public is invited to attend as well. Please RSVP with the Foundation Assistant at the contact options listed below.
This grant round includes monies as part of the annual commitment of $200,000 from the landfill revenue funds. The foundation will also be awarding monies from their discretionary funds. Past grant recipients can be viewed on the Foundation’s website at
Grant applicants may seek full funding, partial funding or matching funding for projects that meet these areas of focus as well as the grant application deadline and criteria. All applicants must be not-for-profit organizations or associations. No funds will be awarded to individuals. The Foundation will accept applications postmarked by October 1, 2019. Following the evaluation of each application, awards will be publicly announced by the Foundation during their End of the Year Gala and Awards Presentation scheduled for November 4th.
Criteria for all grants awarded in 2019 includes the completion of a final report within one year of those grants awarded on October 1, 2018. In addition, a progress report is due for those awarded during the May 1, 2019 grant round. Final Reports of completed projects and Progress Reports are required before any additional funds will be considered. Receipts must accompany Final Reports to be considered complete. Additionally, all Final Reports for grants must include photos of the completed project sent via email to the Foundation Assistant.
More information about HCCF as well as the grant evaluation reporting forms and application for the next grant round are available at their website In addition, forms and guidelines may be obtained by written request to the Harper County Community Foundation, P.O. Box 5, Anthony, Kansas 67003, by calling Michelle Fahring, Assistant to the Foundation, at 620-840-1153 (cell phone), or by sending an e-mail to