Harper County Community Foundation Family Grant Party May 24
Since 2009 your foundation has given away more than $1.3 million dollars to local non-profits and we’ll be granting more at the Anthony Christian Church at 7PM on May 24. This will be our first family night and we’re inviting our scholarship recipients too. We’ll also be saying goodbye to outgoing board members Don Jensen and Kerry Schroeder. As part of our semi-annual commitment to the Harper County Commissioners we give away Plumb Thicket landfill funds in addition to contributions from our generous donors. This party allows us to say thank you to everyone involved with making Harper County a great place to live. Grant applications and reports are due by May 1st and all grant winners will be invited. Information and applications can be found on our website: www.harpercofoundation.org. Be on the lookout for your invitation and please RSVP to Michelle Fahring by calling her at 620-840-1153 (cell phone) or by sending an e-mail to harpercofoundation@gmail.com. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like more info. Kevin Alexander, Chairman, HCCF.