The Prepare to Launch (PTL) Program is hosting a dodgeball tournament on April 22, 2020. The goal of the tournament is to raise awareness of the PTL Program and raise money for the scholarship fund. The tournament will be held from 12:30 – 3:15 at Chaparral High School. Junior high students, high school students, and community members may participate.
The mission of the PTL Program is to provide funds for students of Harper County, Kansas to be used for post-secondary educational endeavors. Scholarship money is available to all Harper County graduates for 10 years and good for any post-secondary institution. This year, Harper County graduates will receive $500 for their post-secondary education. Applications for this money can be picked up on the day of the tournament and are available online at https://harpercofoundation.org/ptl-scholarships.
If you would like your student to participate on a dodgeball team, please complete the consent form by April 15th. Thank you for supporting this program and the students of Harper County.
PTL Dodgeball Registration
Registration Form April 22, 2020 12:30 - 3:15 PM Chaparral High School
Team Details:
- $30/team
- Teams of 6 students (must have at least 2 girls)
- Junior high and high school students may participate
- Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place
- Registration due 4/15/2020, $10 late fee after 4/15, no registration will be accepted after 4/20
- Prizes for best-dressed team
Each player must have a signed online wavier available at https://harpercofoundation.org/ptlwaiver . Turn in the registration form and payment to Ms. Hedlund or the office by April 15th!
- Play will take place on two gym courts with a referee on each court.
- Referees start the game, confirm hits and catches, and count ball possession time.
- There are 6 balls, split into 2 even groups near the ends of the centerline. During the opening rush (when the game starts), you may only grab the balls to your right.
- You are out if: 1) you step on or over a sideline or centerline; 2) a thrown live ball hits your body, 3) you hit a player in the head, and 4) you throw a live ball and it is caught by an opponent.
- A thrown live ball can only hit out 1 player. Thrown balls that hit the ground, the wall, other balls, or other objects before hitting the opponent are considered dead balls and are ineligible to hit players out.
- You may block a thrown ball with a held ball. However, if you drop the blocking ball during the act of blocking, or if you fail to make a clean block (as in the thrown ball still ends up hitting or grazing your body afterward), you are out.
- If you are out, line up on the side in the order you got out.
- You can only hold a ball for 10 seconds, afterward, it will be considered dead. Dead balls need to be rolled over immediately to the other team.
- If the game comes down to 1 player per side, they have 10 seconds to hit each other out; if not, “Showdown” comes into effect. The game is paused, each player gets two balls, two balls are lined up at the ends of the centerline, and the centerline is dissolved. The first player to get the other player out wins.
- The game is over when all of one team’s players are eliminated.