HCCF would like to take a moment to express our thanks to all who were able to attend our Awards Presentation & 25th Birthday Celebration yesterday evening in Anthony. A special thank you to all of these businesses and individuals for assisting us with the many details involved in contributing to this event.
Attica Locker
Larry’s Hometown Market
Britt Hedlund at Harper County Transition to Career
Gene’s IGA
D’Mario’s Pizza
J-Mac Flowers and Gifts
Isaac Shue and Mostaza
The Arts Center
Don Holt and Wheatland Photography
Anthony Alumni for use of their facilities
Kellie’s Sweet Treats by Kellie Stroud
Jennifer Wolff and Embry Printing and Promos
Shelley Hansel at Harper County Economic Development
Prepare to Launch Squad for serving
Current & Previous Anthony Community Foundation and Harper County Community Foundation Board Members
Current & Previous Harper County Commissioners
Jessica Graves and Suzanne Clark as our Decorating Committee
Amy Latta of Chikaskia and Michelle Fahring as our Marketing Committee
LD’s Printing
-Kevin R. Alexander